10 October 2007


NCOD, 2007

Tomorrow, 11 October, is National Coming Out Day. Twenty years ago, the 2nd March on Washington for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered rights took place. The year after that, NCOD was first celebrated.

Five years ago, I gave a speech at ERAU on NCOD. Tomorrow evening, Riddle is celebrating NCOD with a panel discussion, sponsored by the Office of Diversity Initiatives (thanks, Jo!), featuring a representative from the National Gay Pilots Association, someone who flies into hurricanes for a living, and a computer engineer. The last two are friends of mine. Sim Aberson, the award-winning hurricane scientist, is someone I've known for years now from my soc.motss days. And Tammie Truath was a computer engineering student of mine at ERAU who had done just fantastically since she graduated.

I'm just completely proud that they would both agree to participate, and that we were able, after several years, to restore the connection to the NGPA.

The down side is that I'm going to miss it. I have a meeting in Milwuakee to be at on Friday, so tomorrow I'm flying up there. I'll be having dinner in Madison with Jess Anderson, another old friend from soc.motss, tomorrow night about the time of the NCOD event.

Maybe we'll call in.

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